
Start Simple, Sell Smart

Listing Fees Starting at $99

Follow our 5 Step process and our AI will list your property on MLS

Drastically reducing costs

Improving the overall selling experience

How 5 Step Listing Works

Step 1

Complete Your Profile

Fill in your names, property address, your email and phone number and submit


Step 2

Set Property Price

AI provides you with comparable house prices, allowing you to select a suggested price or enter your own


Step 3

Complete Listing Documents

Open House sends you the listing documents. E-sign and submit


Step 4

House Visit

Our team will visit your property to take professional photos and gather essential details to enhance your listing


Step 5

Congrats, Your Listing is on MLS

Your listing goes live within 24 to 48 hours. You will be notified once it is live


Offer subject to terms and conditions. Additional services may incur charges. For a detailed breakdown of services and associated costs, please contact us.

Start Listing Today!

Follow the 5-step listing process and your property will be live in 24 to 48 hours.